Tuesday, February 10, 2009

One-Minute Writer - Economy

Today's One-Minute Writing Prompt: Economy

If you could personally do one thing to improve the economy, what would it be?

I wish I could wave my magic wand (or crinkle my nose or click my heels together) and have everyone in America make the exact same salary! Everyone would be allowed to obtain higher education if they want and be able to work at a job they enjoy. Everyone would be contribuing to the greater good of the country. If all jobs had the same pay scale, maybe there wouldn't be such a wide distribution of wealth in our country. We could eliminate poverty, increase production and everyone would be happy.

Greed is the biggest downfall in America and until the politicians in Washington realize this - nothing is ever going to change in our country.

1 comment:

paisley said...

ever notice you will never find a poor man that is against socialized salary, medicine, whatever,, but the rich never seem to like that idea. hhhmmmm.... wonder why???

me? i am all for it.. give everyone one lump sum a year,, let them do as they like for work,, and use prisoners to do the jobs no one else seems to want to do.. sounds so simple... but everyone works,, and everyone eats...