Monday, February 2, 2009

Chronic Insomnia

Weekend Wordsmith #85 - Sleepless
(Photo is "sleepless" by highwaygirl67)


Every night is a sleepless night for me. Tossing and turning, flipping and flopping - never out for more than a few hours at a time. I'm 46 years old and I run on 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night. How do I keep going? When will things change? Am I doomed to roam the endless nights?

My chronic insomnia started when I went from working the midnight shift for 15 years to working the day shift. That was almost 8 years ago, and my sleep cycle is more screwy now than ever.

On the positive side, I'm able to do lots and lots of reading - this is the only reason I'm able to do as many book reviews a month as I do. I'm able to do lots and lots of writing - this is the only reason I'm able to participate in so many writing prompts and make so many blog posts. I'm able to get many hours of knitting time in - this is the only reason I'm able to give my family hand-knitted items.

On the negative side, I feel crappy much of the time. My back hurts, my joints hurt and I never feel rested. I will occasionally take a Benadryl to help me fall asleep, but I never stay asleep for more than 3 or 4 hours. I've tried taking sleeping pills in the past, but they make me feel worse than ever.

The problem is, my body has adapted to this sleeping pattern and nothing I do seems to change it. I look forward to the days when we all have hibernation chambers in our home and I can plug myself up for 8 straight hours of sleep.

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