Saturday, June 6, 2009

Linear Shadows


Linear shadows, like perfect straight lines along the grass
Matching the length of the white wooden fence
As it serves a double line of protection for the animals it keeps

Thoroughbreds, saddle horses, even a nag or two
Lord over the pastures like the golden children of summer
While cattle and sheep and goats galore live the life of misfits

Moving along in my traveling life, I treasure the straight lines I can follow
Not having to worry about twisting and turning
I can allow my thoughts to wander while not giving a thought to where I walk

Linear shadows, though plain and simple
Can give the crammed full brain a much needed rest
And the body can move along of its own accord.

1 comment:

paisley said...

calming and inviting just like a walk following the straight lines while your mind takes a much needed relaxing moment...