Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Write-On Wednesday

Here are this week's writing prompts from Write On Wednesday:

1.) Do you write fiction or non-fiction? Or both? I typically write both. I do memoir writing for my column in the monthly Mercer's Magazine - memories from my childhood and from my daughters' childhoods. But I also enjoy writing fiction and historical fiction. I'm currently working on a book called Deep Creek - a historical fiction book about a grandmother with Alzheimer's Disease. The grandmother is based on my own grandmother, with some of her real life adventures thrown in.

2.) Do you keep a journal or a writing notebook? I keep a daily journal that I use to write long-hand notes or draw sketches. I also keep a writing notebook on my laptop.

3.) If you write fiction, do you know your characters’ goals, motivations, and conflicts before you start writing or is that something else you discover only after you start writing? Do you find books on plotting useful or harmful? Usually when I start writing a fiction story, I have the seed of an idea already planted in my muse. Usually this seed is in the form of a question: who is it? what happened? where are we? when will this be over? how to I reach the end?

4.) Are you a procrastinator or does the itch to write keep at you until you sit down and work? For some things, I am a procrastinator, especially if it's something I have a deadline for. Otherwise, I normally write when the urge hits me.

5.) Do you write in short bursts of creative energy, or can you sit down and write for hours at a time? I used to be an all or nothing kind of writing, finishing everything in one sitting. But as I've gotten older, my muse is coming in shorter bursts, so I work with what I have.

6.) Are you a morning or afternoon writer? Although I do write some in the mornings - normally in my journal - I get the bulk of my writing done in the afternoon. It just fits in with my schedule better.

7.) Do you write with music/the noise of children/in a cafe or other public setting, or do you need complete silence to concentrate? After raising 3 daughters, I can write through anything! Cats, dogs, snakes, music, television, slumber parties - you name it and I've written around it!

8.) Computer or longhand? (or typewriter?) Both! I still jot out outlines and quotes longhand, but the bulk of my writing is done on the laptop.

9.) Do you know the ending before you type Chapter One? Or do you let the story evolve as you write? Sometimes I know the ending of a story, but for the most part, I like when the story evolves on its own.

10.)Does what’s selling in the market influence how and what you write? Ocassionally this happens. I'm currently working on a book I've tenatively called Charlie, which will be a young adult book about a young girl who sees ghosts. For some reason paranormal is big in young adult fiction right now.

11.) Editing/Revision - love it or hate it? Editing and revisions are the bane of my existence. I love pounding out the first draft, but then I usually drag my feet when it comes time for revisions.


Unknown said...

Bobbi, I passed an Excellent Writer award on to you. Even if you don't post it or pass it on, meme-style, I wanted you to know.

Anonymous said...

I am so in sync with you on the editing/revision question.

I am impressed with all the writing projects you have underway! You Go, girl!!

Anonymous said...

Fascinating to find another writer on wednesday interested in writing about women ... must go and read your column, you sound inspirational :)

Anonymous said...

I love reading about how we all respond differently to different elements of writing! Very fun!

gautami tripathy said...

Good going! I wish I had so many writing projects!

Writing style meme