Monday, September 21, 2009

Reading with the TV On

Today's Musing Monday prompt: Do you listen to music while reading? Does this change if you’re reading in or out of your house? Do you have a preference of music for such occasions?

I rarely listen to music when I read, but I always have the television on as background noise. Typically, the TV is on MSNBC so I can listen to news updates with one ear while losing myself in a great book. I can't have the volume too loud because that gets distracting, but I like it loud enough so I can catch what is going on.


gautami tripathy said...

I too listen to the news updates while reading. Or blogging for that matter.

Musing/Mailbox Mondays

Lynn Irwin Stewart said...

I almost always have the TV on, in the background, while I read. My husband doesn't understand this -- he needs quiet in order to concentrate -- but I tell him that, for me, silence is a distraction.

Oh said...

Me, too! TV can be on when I read, or not. But music? No. Which leads me to ponder - where do I do most of my reading? In the den, in bed or at a table (anywhere!) with a cup of coffee.

Dan Felstead said...

Bobbi...I need silence when I read but I think I am in the minority. I am substitute teaching English/French this year at high school level...

The school where I am subbing let's the kids listen to their ipods while they write! That would totally throw me off focus.


Jeanie said...

I always have sound -- music or tv. Keeps the tinitus in my head from driving me nuts!