Monday, March 28, 2011

The Journal of Kentucky Studies

I have known for many months that one of my poems would be printed in "The Journal of Kentucky Studies"- published by Northern Kentucky University. The book should have been out in September 2011, but because it was a memorial tribute to James Baker Hall, it took a little long.

James Baker Hall (photo copyright Sarabande Books)

Opening the package on Monday and holding a real book in my hand was so exciting, but to see how many of my fellow peers also appear in the book just blows my mind:

  • Katerina Sloykova-Klemer

  • Wendell Berry

  • Matthew Haughton

  • Frank X Walker

  • Normandi Ellis

  • Rebecca Gayle Howell

If I can get my poem published in this prestiges literary journal, then anyone can. Just keep practicing.

Here is a past copy of "The Journal of Kentucky Studies" - copyright Northern Kentucky University.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Daffodils of Spring

Here are some of the beautiful flowers growing in my garden right now:

Variegated daffodils

These are tiny daffodils growing in the left corner of the Front Garden

White daffodils growing in the Mailbox Garden (there is also a pink hyacinth)

Variegated daffodils in the Mailbox Garden

Pretty yellow daffodils in the Driveway Garden

A single daffodil

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Full Worm Moon ...

... Full Crow Moon, Full Crust Moon, Lenten Moon, Full Sap Moon or Super Moon, on March 19th this 3rd full moon of the year will be closer to the earth than it has been in 18 years. When temperatures begin to warm and the ground begins to thaw, earthworm casts appear, and Robins will start appearing around the yard.

Here are a few pictures I took of the full moon, but because I don't have a telephoto lens, but I do have a picture which makes the moon look heart shaped:

The March Full Moon

There is a halo around this photograph of the March Full Moon

I have no idea how I managed to take this heart-shaped photograph of the March Full Moon