1st Trip To Elliott County, Definitely A Memorable One - July 22, 2010
My hubby didn't get home until after 9pm because he had to drive home from Lexington.There aren't too many counties in central or eastern Kentucky that I have not visited in my five years at WLEX. They're serious when they say "Coverage You Can Count On," even if it's on the boundaries of our viewing area. We go EVERYWHERE.
Obviously, the big news this week has been the constant rain and the havoc it's wreaking on flood prone areas of eastern Kentucky. Monday and Tuesday it was Pikeville, overnight the northeastern part of the state took a pretty good hit, thus my trip today to Elliott County. I always thought that county looked tiny on a map. I found today, winding down miles and miles of rural roads in a 1-ton satellite truck, it's bigger than it seems.
My photographer Keith and I were trying to work quickly so that we could meet our other crew who was covering a missing woman in neighboring Carter County. Long story short, we drove several miles looking for damage visual enough to show in our 5:30 newscast and in the process of searching came across some interesting things. While I was shooting an "as-live" (as we call it) Keith and I heard something in the water. Sounded like a paddle boat swishing around, but then I heard the "mooooo!." It was a poor cow who had become stranded in the flood waters. He was coming to check out what we were doing...and scared the bageezus out of the reporter in the pink boots (me) in the process!The stylin' pink rain boots
We were then told to keep going down the water covered road to find the bridge that was washed out over Little Brushy Creek. That's when we were told, "just turn at the big, huge red barn." If you saw the picture I posted, the barn didn't match that description AT ALL, but we found what we were looking for so no biggie...The RED barn that was actually BLACK
When we were finished, we hit the road again that would take us to Carter County and while on our way, we saw one of the cruelest things I've ever witnessed. We were rounding a corner on one very rural road and came up on a woman who was stopped on the side of the road. As we passed (in a rolling billboard of LEX 18 I might add) the woman opened the back door and shooed a small dog out of the car, slammed the door and peeled off. The dog was so confused that he just sort of did a few circles in the middle of the road and took off into the woods. It might have been one of the more heartbreaking things I've ever witnessed. No doubt I've heard about that, but to see it actually happen was very sad. Needless to say it was a looooong day. I didn't pull into my driveway til around 8:15.
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